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Grunebaum gang travels to Essen, July 2011

Photo taken at the Folkwang Museum in Essen at the entrance to the museum's conference room. From the top, George Grunebaum, Solene Orliange, Charlotte Grunebaum, Annabel Grunebaum, Patty Grunebaum, Marus Orliange, Nicole Orliange, Sebastian Grunebaum, Peter Grunebaum and Tinka Hall (Peter's partner).

Peter is in the 5th generation down from Herz Salomon Hirschland, and among the last remaining Hirschlands born in Essen, though his family moved to New York while he was still quite young. He has followed the family’s roots in the banking/investment banking industry.  Since this visit, Peter has been asked to serve on the Folkwang Museum Board, the first Hirschland to do so since the war.

March 2011 — LA Hirschland Reunion
Second Cousins to Sixth Cousins, and almost everything between

Nineteen Hirschlands (Hirshlands), plus assorted spouses, step-children, etc., from two branches of the Hirschland family met in LA at Factors Jewish Deli on March 13. One branch represented various members of the Simon Hirschland branch, descended from Herz Solomon Hirschland, one of the three original Hirschlands. The other branch were from the so-called lost PA Hirshlands (no C), descended from Isaak Hirschland, who emigrated to the United States in 1848. Isaak was the son of Jonas Herz Hirschland, one of the three original Hirschland brothers.

Fom rear left: Richard Hess, Andrew Hess, Bob Hirshland, David Hirshland, Hannah Hirshland, Bill Koppel, Jonas Hirshland, Colin Hirshland, Robbie Sussman, Milo Sussman, Eva Kaye-Zwiebel. Middle row: Joan Meijer, Victoria Hess, Delilah Hirshland, Suzy Prudden, Owen Sussman. Front: Lance Kreple and Jackie Kreple. Not pictured but attended, Greg Hirshland.

This crib sheet might help with determining relationships. A half a dozen or so LA resident Hirschlands missed the event.

We ate, we took pictures, and then, after those with small children or long drives left, a handful of us moved to a different part of the restaurant to have dessert. At least among the older members of the family, it was an amazing experience to meet such a range of family, including so many members of the long-lost (to many of us anyway) PA Hirshland clan. A couple of younger attendees commented that it didn’t really have a family feel to them, but I guess you have to grow into it. Some more pix of the dinner:

Madison Kreple, Jackie Kreple, Deborah Hirschland holding daughter Hannah, Colin and Jonas Hirschland

Jonas in his team sweats

Rear: Bob Hirschland, Bill Koppel, David Hirshland. Front: Owen and Robbie Sussman

Ben Zwiebel, Eva Kaye-Zwiebel, Joan Meijer, Greg Hirshland and Lance Kreple standing, Bill Koppel, and Robbie Sussman

Ben Zwiebel, Eva Kaye Zwiebel, and Suzy Prudden, having dessert later.

Fourth Cousins in the UK — January 2011

Nancy Hirschland Ramage and Richard Harvey meeting recently in the UK.

Second Cousins in London — January 2011

Andrew & Nancy Hirschland Ramage and Geneviève & Thomas Hackett meet for the first time in London recently. Nancy & Thomas are second cousins.

From Nancy: We had a lovely, indeed memorable, lunch this past week with Thomas and Geneviève Hackett in London, at the Reform Club. Here’s the evidence to prove it. It truly was a splendid meeting of “long lost cousins.”

Fifth Cousins Meet — December 2010

Liz Hirschland, Mike Hirshland (no C), and Victoria Hirschland Hess, two sisters and Mike, their fifth cousin, meet for the first time

Liz Hirschland, Mike Hirshland (no C), and Victoria Hirschland Hess, two sisters and Mike, their fifth cousin, meet for the first time over drinks at the Four Seasons, Jackson Hole, after a day of skiing. Mike is one of the PA Hirshlands (no C), who emigrated to the United States in 1848 and lost track of their Essen roots. We have only in the last months reconnected with this branch of 70 or so Hirschlands.

A Virtual Reunion — December 2010

Through our research process (Daniel’s mostly), Susan Herz came to our attention, and it turns out that her Aunt was Margot Hirschland’s best friend. We have put the Aunt in touch with Charles Hannam (formerly Karl Hirschland), and a telephonic reunion is contemplated between the Aunt in Israel and Charles in the UK.

September 2010

Georg Hirschland, Victoria Hirschland Hess, Nancy Hirschland Ramage, Joan Ramage Macdonald with daughter Aurora, and Liz Hirschland. Victoria, Georg, and Liz are silbings who met their second cousin Nancy (and her daughter and granddaughter) for the first time in September 2010 in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.




Left to right: August, Marianne, Richard, Paul, Herbert, Ruth, Dorothy, and Henry. August, Marianna, Paul, and Ruth were children of Kurt Hirschland, Richard and Herbert of Franz Hirschland, and Dorothy and Henry of Georg Hirschland.



Hirschland Family circa 1870. Possibly Isaac Hirschland highlighted. (Possibly Isaac's and Heniette's 50th Anniversary.)


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